Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Event Details - and FOUR QUESTIONS For YOU

Tulsa Women - Telling Our Story
A Special Event offered by
 the Tulsa Chapter of the
Association for Women in Communications

Invitations to attend this Tulsa AWC Special Event will soon arrive by email. Mark your calendars for March 1, 2012, and Register at www.awctulsa.org!

Meanwhile, we hope you will take a moment to consider the wonderful legacy that Tulsa's women have begun. At the bottom of this post, you will find four questions. We're looking forward to reading your thoughts on one or all four.

But first, more about the event. Lucinda Rojas Ross will emcee, and provide an overview of what's to come. Then, Suzanne Wallis, Tulsa author, will talk about Tulsa's female 'founders', and their Legacy Stories.

Next, informative presentations from our panel of Legacy Builders (women currently building on that legacy foundation in Tulsa) will follow. Members include Sharon King Davis, Sheryl Lovelady and Mary Beth Babcock.

The event will conclude with time for brainstorming, questions and answers after the presentations.

We're hoping that this special event will help you find your place in The Legacy of Tulsa Women.

FOUR QUESTIONS (answer one or all in the comment section, please):

(1) In your opinion, who has contributed to the Legacy of Women in Tulsa?

(2) Who do you think are the current Legacy Builders?

(3) What causes or areas of Tulsa need a Legacy Builder to champion their cause and tell their stories?
(4) If you volunteer or work for a group that is welcoming new Legacy Builders, provide a link or short description for someone who might want to get involved.


  1. In your opinion, who has contributed to the Legacy of Women in Tulsa?
    One of the women in Tulsa that I think has contributed to the Legacy of Women in Tulsa is Rhoda Chastain. In the mid 1980's Rhoda became passionate to start a hospice in Tulsa. She tirelessly volunteered her time and talent and began a grassroots effort to begin what is now Hospice of Green Country. Because of Rhoda's vision and dedcation, for the last 25 years the Tulsa community has had access to a non-profit hospice that offers compassionate and quality end of life care to all, requardless of ability to pay.

  2. What a great Legacy Rhoda has begun in Tulsa. Thank you for telling us about her!

  3. I have called Tulsa home for nearly 40 years. During that time of watching and listening to women who have played active roles in shaping our city, I've wondered if they inherited a spirit of promoting and building Tulsa from their mothers and grandmothers, or perhaps just acted when presented current opportunities or experiences? I do believe Tulsa changed as they added their unique flavor to the conversation. Being blessed with three daughters, I've been thankful Tulsa provided them with examples of women engaging in all professions and opportunities. Although young women today have different challenges than we did, I hope they can embrace our successes and failures, and continue a dialogue to build on the strong tradition of involvement for the benefit of our great city and the wonderful families who call it home.

  4. Hey there, Tulsa women! Tell us your stories!! We know you have them!

  5. One Tulsa woman who made a difference when there weren't many women in government was Betsy Horowitz. When a zoning issue arose a few blocks from her home in 1961, Betsy Horowitz and several neighbors organized the Maple Ridge Association, the prototype of Tulsa neighborhood associations.

    In 1968, she learned of plans to build a "Riverside Expressway" that would connect to the Inner Dispersal Loop through the west side of the neighborhood. The highway would have run alongside the playground at Lee Elementary School at 19th Street and Cincinnati Avenue. She led campaigns for preserving the historic neighborhood and saving the school. Mrs. Horowitz prevailed and in 1976, the expressway plan was abandoned. Although several homes south of 15th Street between Cincinnati Place and Madison Avenue already had been torn down, the land they had occupied was turned into Maple Park. She later ran for mayor of Tulsa and finance commissioner.

    I didn't know her personally and I don't live in Maple Ridge, but I grew up bike riding and visiting friends in the neighborhood. I admire community/individual activism and the fact that this beautiful area is still is a highlight in Tulsa. Mrs. Horowitz had an interesting role in the history of Tulsa.

    Resource: Tulsa World 5/6/2009

  6. 2. I admire Editorial writers Janet Pearson and Julie DelCour, whose work in the Tulsa World is well researched and insightful. They make a difference.

    3. Tulsa has many good women authors who could use a better platform for reaching the public, sponsored by organizations such as AWC, who should be likely to care about good writing. Marketing a book is difficult, even when the work is good and the subject contributes to Tulsa's historical and social legacy.

  7. Three current women artists whose talents make Tulsa a brighter place...
    mosaic artist Linda Allen(lindaallenart.com)
    sculptor Rosalind Cook (www.rosalindcook.com)
    metal sculptor Lisa Regan (www.gardendeva.com)

    Rosalind Cook, from her website, ""The real joy comes in creating images that communicate to the viewer on a personal level. To that end, the true purpose of my work is to celebrate life and to lift the human spirit."
